How to keep working on product ideas when things are tough…

My newest projects!

I posted some new items on my Etsy store today. Still hardly any likes on my Facebook and only a few new followers on my Twitter account and Instagram.

I posted some new digital stamps that I’ve been working on. I hand-drew them with grey lead and went over them with fine liner before I scanned them into the computer.

One set is of three wedding party members, a bride, a groom and a bridesmaid. I may add to this set later on with ‘flower girls’ etc., at a later stage.

The ballerina set has three different ballerina’s with different hair styles and all with different poses. These can also be printed and coloured as per the purchases wishes.

So far both sets have the three characters only, all left black and white for anyone interested to purchase to use in their personal artwork. They have clear backgrounds and no colour, so that the buyer can print them on paper in any colour they choose and maybe colour them with their choice of artistic medium.

My goals are for people to buy my digital stamps, images and paper kits to use in creating their own creative artwork such as junk journals, scrapbook albums etc. I hope to promote more people to continue creating more artwork in order that more people benefit from the positive outcomes of being creative. If even one person buys and enjoys some of my creations I will be happy knowing that I helped create more happiness around the world.

So how to get the interest I need to start getting sales?

A lot of the marketing guru’s suggesting that social marketing is the “big thing” now for advertising and reading more interest in your “business” or “products”. In truth it can be very hard for introverts and people with emotional and mental health issues to get “noticed” and to grow “followers”, let alone getting any sales for products etc., that they try to get people interested in.

I may not have the answers as to how to generate “sales”, but I do know a lot about picking up the pieces and trying to continue creative ventures when it seems as though you’re gaining nothing from them.

How to gain Followers?

Does it really matter in the big scheme of things if people suffer from emotional or mental symptoms?

The real truth, is that some of us simply need the space to vent out our emotions and show our creativity no matter what. Even if creative artists don’t get any real interest in what they create, simply “trying” to get their work seen and noticed can be a huge ego and confidence boost for some people. Sometimes we need the extra push to get out of bed and put some effort into doing something for ourselves.

Even though we are pretty desperate financially for me to get some sort of income to help my husband pay the bills and for me to be able to continue to afford to buy supplies to continue my creative activities. For me it’s not really about getting any “sales”, otherwise I’d have given up last year for good and never tried posting any more Youtube video’s. I certainly wouldn’t have continued working on improving my blog or to find ideas on topics to continue posting blog posts…

What if I never get a single sale?

The truth is, I might never generate a single sale, I might give up on the Etsy store if I don’t achieve any sales from my efforts. I’d probably continue trying to get some interste in my blog though, because this is how I am able to continue getting some satisfaction that my words might possibly help some people. If only a few people read my posts, that itself is helping me to keep my confidence a little bit better.

Sometimes that’s all a person really needs in order to keep working on positive efforts. The fulfilment of the need to feel necessary to someone, that feeling that I may actually be able to help some people buy blogging, it can keep me going sometimes when I’m feeling down.

The push to continue trying to make a difference for atlas a few people, really helps me put more effort into maintaining my own emotional health. The need to continue pushing yourself in order to be of benefit to someone can be a very powerful motivator.

The positive feelings you are able to gain from being able to continue working positively towards a goal aimed at helping people can make a huge difference in your emotional well being.

For me, knowing that even just a few people are reading my blog posts is sometimes enough. I am able to be at least a little happier knowing that someone finds my work interesting, even if only a little. Knowing that I may make somewhat of a positive influence on other’s, is in itself priceless…

Published by CraftyDivazAus

Hand craft and art for life, fun, stress relief & self-help therapy! Using Art & Craft to deal with symptoms related to stress, Anxiety & Mental Illness, Self-Help Tips & Ideas.

7 thoughts on “How to keep working on product ideas when things are tough…

  1. I can relate to this post because I feel the same way about my blog posts and the stories I write. It doesn’t matter (at least right now) that I don’t have a huge following and lots of readers, the few that I do have are enough to motivate me to keep creating if for no other reason that those few people are enjoying what I write and I’m entertaining those few people. With time and consistent efforts perhaps my readers will increase but even if that never happens I enjoy writing for the few people who find my work appealing. Btw I really like your drawings they’re very cute. Don’t give up on your projects you never know how close you may be to a major break through 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks a lot for the positive message! It does help to know that at least a few people like my creative work! I’ve been reading some of yours when I have the time and it’s been entertaining! 😀 hahaha
    It can be hard to juggle the “needing income” Vs “wanting to help people” as I said in part of the post. At least I enjoy the extra motivation to get up and get to work on something that I feel is worthwhile…
    It’s extremely easy to give up too soon thinking that no one’s really interested etc… Sometimes like you said, you might just be onto something good but you won’t know if you give up too soon…


  3. Thankfully I don’t need to make money from my art and my main motivation on social media is to meet likeminded people which I pretty much manage. What I discovered over time is that in order to get followers you need to be present, meaning post often. Also you need to be involved with others and comment on their social media in order for them to get involved with you. Shortly you need to invest a lot of time and effort, advertising as well must be done if you want to sell… There are lots of people out there selling stuff, so probably it’s not easy… Good luck!


  4. Hmm, yeah the advertising is the problem with no budget! hahaha Anyhow, in the meantime I enjoy writing messages and chats with nice likeminded people such as yourself… It’s ok my husband wants to me try to find a “proper” job and keep these as only hobbies anyway. Then I could pay for the supplies anyway and not stress over trying to get any sales etc. It’s only that my art/craft is a way of self-therapy for me and we really just can’t always afford the glue, papers etc. I’m doing as much recycled craft as I can but you need glue at least if not paper cutting equipment or stamps. It’s just being able to follow my creative ideas makes me so extra happy… It’s all good, eventually some sort of answer will come up I’m sure…


  5. I hear you and your concerns girl. I was once in your shoes….making wire jewelry and selling them….though profit was solely to just replace materials to create again. other than the social media advertising thing, I joined craft shows, bazaars and school activities to promote my stuff and also to promote the handmade movement. There were three kinds of people I met along the way, people who appreciates, take in the inspiration and purchase them, people who takes interest and wants to know the story behind each wire jewelry but don’t buy and there are people who request for a bulk order, dismiss the effort I brought into each piece so they could resell. The later saddened me a lot. No to bulk orders. Now that I am into mixed media and doing the art for my own healing, I still continue to do wire jewelry by request. No matter how the circumstances that face you now, just show up, be there. Create unique beautiful things and in no time they will come to you.


  6. Hm, I have considered doing craft or general hand-made markets, but then I have to make enough journals to be worth time to go there and if they don’t sell? lol It’s kinda hard to decide, plus there’s the researching which markets are available here locally, then someone has to watch our son and I’d need another person to keep me company lol I’m a bit chicken when it comes to try to sell, I’d need some sort of ‘friendly support’ even if I did the selling myself… I’d be too scared and timid to go completely on my own… It’s the researching the markets, where they are and managing to get a spot that’s the hardest, we did try once with my dad, almost at least 6-7 years ago I can’t even remember what I “tried” to sell hehehe I guess it’d be worth trying at least once, if I can decide on how many journals would be worth taking then come up with other product ideas for lower level prices…


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