Current art and craft projects

Here is an update on my current projects! This is my first completed art project, an acrylic painting on canvas paper, it’s called Fashion Diva and is available for sale on both bluethumb and on my etsy store. This is a painting depicting my love of fashion and art. I am also working on anotherContinue reading “Current art and craft projects”

Various works in progress

Ok so now that I am up and around again, I thought I’d just post a few pictures of my newest projects. The first one is a painting I started just yesterday using one of the exercises from my self art therapy ebook “Creative Happiness”. I chose to try my exercise in painting my emotionsContinue reading “Various works in progress”

Why I don’t totally give up on my handcraft activities & my newest project!

Hi, it’s been a while since I posted consistently. As usual my mental health, family activities and family issues keep getting in the way, but health and family always comes first for me! I completed a new junk journal for my etsy store, and yes I still do have a small store, even though itContinue reading “Why I don’t totally give up on my handcraft activities & my newest project!”

Busy as an artistic Beaver…

For quite some time I focussed only on creating Junk Journals. I was quite lost in making as many junk journals as I could to improve my hand craftsmanship so that I could try to sell them to get some money to use for more art supplies. As with any new artistic and creative endeavourContinue reading “Busy as an artistic Beaver…”

Working on new ideas!

I’m assuming that a lot of you realise after some time researching, that making money using any sort of artistic talent, is not easy.           For me, it is extra hard as I’m not exactly a socialite of any sort! I usually prefer avoiding any sort of social contact as IContinue reading “Working on new ideas!”